Artworks are made for interior or exterior spaces. To commission a piece, please contact us.
Work for sale:

Emergence of Yin & Yang: Matter & Antimatter”. Size: 24”x24”, plus frame. Materials: smalti, marble, stone, millefiori, other materials. The title of this artwork speaks for itself. ”Emergence of Yin & Yang: Matter & Antimatter” is part of my ”Evolution” series that takes the viewer from the fist moments of Big Bang to formation of stars and planets, to establishment of human society, to invention of a cat and theories of multiple dimension and multiverse. Evolution itself is a battle of opposites, an ever-going competition between sides seeking dominance. This battle makes Progress possible, advancing us further into tomorrow.

"Genesis: First Light" Materials: smalti, marble, sandstone, stained glass. Size: 30"x30". This work is part of my Evolution series that takes the viewer from the fist moments of Big Bang to formation of stars and planets, to establishment of human society, to invention of a cat and theories of multiple dimension and multiverse. This piece depicts the First Light that came to be before the formation of first stars, between 240,000 and 300,000 after the Big Bang. It was at this particular moment when the Universe became "transparent" and all the composing elements became visible. A primordial rainbow that came into existence billions of years ago still mesmerizes us reverberating through the space-time continuum.

”Light as a Wave as a Particle” Size: 27”x27”. Materials: smalti glass on hand-formed substrate Light can behave as a wave and as a particle. This duality is showcased in a ”Light as a Wave as a Particle” mosaic done on a wavy substrate using small size hand-cut smalti glass.

"Blueshift" from ”Light as a Wave as a Particle” triptych. Size: 27”x27”. Materials: smalti glass on hand-formed substrate Light can behave as a wave and as a particle. This duality is showcased in a ”Light as a Wave as a Particle” mosaic done on a wavy substrate using small size hand-cut smalti glass. "Blueshift" panel represents light that has been traveling towards us, that is "blue shifted". Because blue light has a higher frequency, there are more waves represented in this composition comparing to a "Redshift" piece.

”Light as a Wave as a Particle” triptych. Size: 27”x27” each panel. Materials: smalti glass on hand-formed substrate Light can behave as a wave and as a particle. This duality is showcased in a ”Light as a Wave as a Particle” mosaic done on a wavy substrate using small size hand-cut smalti glass.
Portfolio of work:

"Jupiter: Great Red Spot" Materials: Layered stained glass on panel, framed. Size: 36" x 56". NFS, property of the artist Jupiter has always fascinated me as unrealized star- a planetary body that is too small for a nuclear fusion action. It is a giant planet that we can never land on. And it is in charge of one of the greatest hurricanes that we can observe- the Great Red Spot. Because of a layered layout, this mosaic required some research on structure of the GRS. I had to contact a NASA scientist who was very generous and sent me a couple of papers that she has written on cloud deck observations of Great Red Spot.

"Powered by Moebius Drive" Materials: stained glass mosaic. Size: 36"x56". Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. One of the difficulties in today's space travel is the lack of efficient fuel. In this futuristic vision, the spaceship is powered by a Moebius drive, an eternal engine that can push the ship forward indefinitely. The spaceship is designed to search for radio signals from other civilizations.

"Solar Flare" Material: stained glass. Size: 30"x42". Private collection, NY. This mosaic was created using several of the SOHO satellite images. The apparent size of Earth is shown on the right- a pale blue dot. Image composite by Yulia Hanansen, base images courtesy of NASA's SOHO satellite.